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Training details

1. General Ansar Basic Training (Male and Female)

A. Qualifying as an Ansar, he is capable of fulfilling all the duties entrusted to him.

Take out

B. To be eligible to be included as a member of the vacant post of Ansar Company and Union Ansar Platoon formed in upazila level.

C. Detailed information about the activities of the army, organograms etc.

D Making proficiency in public safety, KPI security, arms handling, PT, drill and fire fighting.

Training rules are as follows

* The primary stage of the district headquarters and consistently conducted this training in the final phase of Ansar-VDP Academy, Safipur, Gazipur.

* Upazila Ansar and VDP Officer, according to the quota, select the members / members and send the list to the District Commandant's office.

* In the light of the Ansar Act 1995 and Ansar Force Regulations 1996, the concerned person has to meet the following requirements:

(A) Age 18 to 30 years

(B) Educational qualification minimum eighth level pass. However, the SSC or the underworld is given the right to receive training.

(C) Height:

(I) minimum 160 sq. M or 5 ft. 4 e (male)

(Ii) minimum 150 sq. M or 5 ft. Ee (for women)

(E) Chest size ranges from 75 cm to 80 cm (30 cm) (male)

(E) Vision Power: 6/6

* Certificate of Educational Qualification, National Identity Card and Character and Citizenship while participating in Primary Training

         The certificate has to be submitted.

* Free training for the trained trainees, food, clothes and costume are provided.

No member has to pay any money to participate in this training.

* After successfully completing this training, various government-private KPIs / important guards / organizations are integrated into the country.

         The responsibility of providing security.

* Taking the responsibility of Durga Puja, National and Local Government Elections etc., members of the training / community members are integrated for short-term.

    The members receiving the training get the opportunity to apply for the 10% quota prescribed in 3rd and 4th class government jobs.

2. Vertical VDP basic training based on village and asylum project (male and female)

A. Reconstruction and updating of VDP platoons based on village and ashram project.

B. Increasing social awareness through socio-economic development, creation of local leadership and establishment of good governance.

C. Creating a mass-based trained workforce to protect social security

D Providing a good idea about carrying out election duties and making them competent to carry out election-related responsibilities.

Training rules are as follows

Two platoons consisting of 32 men and 32 women of the concerned village are given free training.

* This training program is conducted for 10 (ten) days at a convenient place in the village.

* Once this training is given in a village.

* The trainees have to pass the lowest class of eighth grade.

* The trainee must be at least 18 years and maximum 30 years.

* Training allowance of 9 00 (Nine) Taka in 10 days at the rate of 90 / - per day.

* After receiving the training, the Ansar-VDP Development Bank of Bangladesh (Nos.) Tk 100 (one hundred)

            The shares are to be purchased.

* Trainees are given certificate after completion of training.

* Before the commencement of the financial year, District Commandant selected the village according to the recommendations of Ansar and VDP officials.

Through this training, village VDP male and female platoones are fully reorganized.

* Receive the opportunity to apply for 10% quotas in the 3rd and 4th class government jobs.

3. VDP basic training with district based weapon (male and female)

B. In order to increase the social awareness of the establishment of good governance, constitute the trained staff force.

C. To achieve leadership qualities and professional skills in local life-style.

D Providing a good idea about carrying out election duties and making them competent to carry out election-related responsibilities.

There is a chance to apply for 10% quota in the service of third party and third class students.

 Besides, the training provided by the forces through technical and professional training is as follows:

1. Basic Computer Training (VDP Male and Female)

A. Creating skilled human resources by making use of computer expertise.

B. Build capacity for employment generation and financial status.

C. Creating skilled manpower in the formulation of digitalized Bangladesh.

2. Motor Driving Training (VDP Male / Female)

A. Make ordinary Ansar and VDP members specialize in motor vehicles.

B. Enabling the trainers to maintain the motor car.

C. Help to make financial development through employment generation at home and abroad.

3. Repair and maintenance of mobile phone accessories (male and female)

A. Make a mastery of the most accomplished mobile phone makanic.

B. Developing and maintaining mobile phone repair repair and maintenance.

C. Enabling financial opportunities by creating employment opportunities.

4. Sweater machine operating training (vi)